Meet Kristian Consadine


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A photo of Kristian Consadine project managing

Meet the Team:
Kris Consadine, Project Manager

Following the introduction of our ‘Meet the team’ page comes our mini blog series. Each week, hear personally from our team members about their roles at JUMP and more. This week, meet Kris…

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m an approachable fella who enjoys a round of golf and the occasional (regular) pint of ale. I’m married with 2 kids and I was one of the original ‘JUMPers’ when the business was formed 10 years ago.

Summarise your role at JUMP

The Project Manager has day-to-day responsibility for the smooth and effective running of digital projects with a focus on great delivery. The role encompasses budget control, project tracking and reporting, managing risks and issues along with appropriate escalation processes and quality assurance. 

What got you into Project Management?

I was previously Head of Development. I built digital solutions for clients and as I got older I found my interests moved away from building them and more towards planning and managing the delivery of them using process frameworks such as SCRUM and Kanban. A few years ago a fantastic opportunity came my way to become a Project Manager which I embraced and here I am today, managing a team of great developers and countless projects!

Describe the project you've worked on that you're proudest of. What did you do that worked out particularly well?

We recently delivered an online customer booking portal and secure Customer Reservation System for Nirvana Europe which was built using React/Redux, primarily with scalability and load speed in mind. We scoped the project out by wireframing requirements up on a large wall, created and estimated the backlog and delivered the application via iterations and multiple releases. I have also been responsible for the delivery of projects for Nissan (NMUK), P&G and the NHS. 

What do you hope to achieve at JUMP?

I hope the new processes I implement into the business prove to be a contributing factor to increased customer satisfaction, increased employee satisfaction, improve our delivery workflow and increase overall profitability. I want us to realise our vision of knowing customers are willing to wait and queue up to work with JUMP because they know the overall experience of working with us, and the quality of work we will deliver is very much worth waiting for. 

What do you like most about Project Management/being a Project Manager?

The wide range of digital projects we work on in terms of challenges and complexities keeps things very interesting.  Starting with nothing, and finishing with a product that exceeds customer expectations is a key motivation factor. I am also encouraged to see the team I work with respond well to my demands of delivering complex projects to tight deadlines and within limited budgets.

Finally, what advice would you give to any Project Manager starting out?

There is a lot to suggest and it is of course subjective but a small number of things spring to mind…

  • Keep a daily log, or list of actions for every project you work on that you can refer to and update it regularly 
  • Successes and failures will occur and it’s important you take the lessons learned forward into every new project
  • Familiarise yourself with as many project management methodologies as you can. See what you can take from them to help you succeed in your own project management approach
  • Obtain the Prince2 Practitioner Certification. Do it early in your new career. It will help!
  • Always have in mind what the main objectives and business requirements of your projects are – if you don’t then you will struggle to measure progress
  • And lastly, it’s not always a 9-5 job so try and establish a good work-life balance

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