Marketing 101: Top 5 ways to market your business

By Alana Whenary

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In order for your business to stand out in a crowded market, you must have a strong marketing strategy in place in order to bring in leads, drive sales, and increase brand awareness.

Marketing isnt necessarily about putting a large amount of money into an idea; it’s more about how good the idea is, and how well the idea connects with your target audience. People buy from people, and if your content is relatable and personal to those it reaches, it’s much more likely to be successful! It’s time to take a look at some of the most popular ways to market your business towards your target audience.

To start, an absolute essential to marketing is to have not just a website, but a website that has flawless design and functionality, guiding your target audience to either remember your brand for the future or convert right away. Your website makes up a key part of your marketing. If you aren't 100% confident in your website, you might need to consider refreshing your website.

Are you interested in getting an expert opinion on your current website? We can create bespoke solutions for your brand.

Get our guide to optimising your social media presence for free.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Mock-up illustration of Google Analytics.

In summary, SEO is about the steps towards influencing your website appear higher on Google’s search results page, meaning that the person searching for any related topics to your business is more likely to find and click on your website.

By adding SEO-optimised website content and SEO as a specific strategy to your marketing, your business ranks for keywords that your target audience is searching for. The more well known and popular your website content becomes, the further up the search rankings for your brand’s website will go, as it will be seen as more reputable.

To summarise, SEO improves not only your brand visibility and awareness, but it is also a great long-term strategy for marketing for your business to reah. Below are some ways you can implement SEO into your marketing strategy. 

Landing page optimisation

Your service or product landing pages are one of the best ways to optimise your marketing content to ensure it shows up at the top of search results. The best way to imagine it is if someone is searching for a specific product or service that your business offers - you surely want to make sure you are one of the top results on that search engine landing page, and not on the 5th page where they probably will not get to!

Getting ranked first for keywords difficult using organic search results alone, but it is possible! Start by using a keyword planner (or hiring an SEO specialist) to research keywords that are specific to your niche and use them within your website content. Keywords can be incorporated into things such as titles, meta descriptions, headings and any other copy on your website. 


Blogs are also a fantastic way to optimise your brand’s website! Use keyword research to your advantage and optimise your blog posts with relevant keywords that bring your audience to your website.

Utilising a blog section on your website can be the perfect opportunity to create content about specific topics related to your services or products, and that are specifically related to popular search terms. Its important to remember to use internal and external links to help boost your blogs and articles. 

If you are interested in how you can better optimise your website, we can help!

Social media marketing

A mock-up of David Summerfield's social media Instagram feed.

These days, social media is hard to shy away from. It’s probable to say that most people use some from of social media platform on the daily, and it is one of the easiest ways for businesses to connect with their audience.

Social media marketing is an incredibly easy way to show your businesses personality and have some more fun with your content, which helps to form a relationship with your target audience. 

You have options, you can use social media in an organic way, which costs nothing but time, or you can invest in social media through ads. Both options are fantastic wats to market your brand and you should consider them both when creating your marketing strategy.

Organic social media

Having a regular posting schedule is the best way for any social media platform’s algorithm to recognise that you want your brand to be shown. Posting at least three times per week will increase your brand's visibility and exposure to a broad audience.

Social media ads

Social media marketing may be free, however enhancing your marketing efforts through paid ads on social media can further increase your brand’s reach with a targeted approach. Elevate your brand’s social media presence by strategically targeting specific audiences and niches within your paid ads, this ensures your investment is effectively directed towards your intended target audience.

Social media platforms

It’s not enough to just know about social media as a tool for marketing, you also need knowledge on social media platforms. There are so many platforms out there, but that doesn’t mean your business has to utilise every single one of them. Choose wisely and pick platforms that work well for you and your business.

Not sure if you are using social media effectively? We can help you better understand the best way to use social media marketing for your business!


Mock-up of If U Care Share Foundation's billboard saying 'get what's on the inside out'

Advertising can be defined as the promotion of your businesses services or products. To dive deeper, it normally involves the paid promotion of your business through various channels, such as print or digital marketing. The main reason for advertising is to attract your target audience and help guide them to complete your call to action, e.g. visit your website, purchase your products or get in touch for more information. Here are some advertising marketing examples in more depth.

TV and radio advertising

TV or radio advertising is your chance to reach a wider audience and cover more of the population, as not everyone uses social media or digital methods, and in some instances, these ‘old school’ methods stick out more! 

Radio and TV advertising allow you to create meaningful campaigns that your audience remembers for years to come. Take John Lewis’ Christmas ad as an example. Every year, people eagerly await what they’re going to come up with. Or the iconic Cabury’s Dairy Milk drumming gorilla. Many still remember it to this day, and it's now associated with the song ‘In the Air Tonight’ by Phil Collins. It’s been over 16 years since it came out!

Print advertising

Print advertising caters for different demographics and interests, allowing you to target specific things that align with your target audience. This could be through certain magazine ads, brochures or other printed materials much as posters. There are many possibilities to use print material as marketing for your brand, including posting through people’s doors (direct mail) or giving out marketing materials at events.

Outdoor advertising

Often your target audience is hiding in plain sight. Out of home (OOH) marketing is a very powerful tool that can be utilised to reach the general public and it can also complement your other marketing efforts well. OOH makes your brand shine in a different way, as it makes your brand recognised and memorable to those who see your marketing.

OOH advertising can include your marketing materials being placed on the likes of billboards, transit, benches or bins. Your OOH advertising should be strategically placed in specific locations that your intended target audience will see, such as outside houses, on busy streets or on public transport.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

PPC marketing, also known as pay per click advertising is a great way to market your business by paying a fee when your digitialised ad is clicked on. Unlike other ad types, PPC needs ongoing investment and is very competitive. It usually has the aim to drive traffic to your website or generate leads or sales. PPCk ads can be created through several platforms such as Bing Ads or Amazon Advertising, but the most popular is through Google Ads. This type of marketing uses precise ad targeting, including using search terms and intel that search engines gather on individuals to place your ads in front of them. 

Not sure where to start on advertising? We can guide you.



A mock-up of 2 Marlish water cans in an illustrated packaging holder

PR is essentially the process of building positive relationships with businesses, stakeholders and the general public to promote your products or services. It mainly focuses on gaining media coverage and shaping a positive public perception of your brand.  

Effective PR can coincide with other marketing avenues that your business is taking and can be excellent for the success of your business. Being covered, spoken about, or even just mentioned by an external source gives your brand the upper hand, as your business becomes more credible. Below we have listed some examples of PR that your brand can explore.

Influencer marketing

Connecting with and utilising influencer marketing can help to market your brand in a positive way, if it is done correctly. You have to choose specific influencers, celebrities or public figures that align with your brand values and share a similar target audience to you in order to generate brand awareness and increase business sales.

There are many ways to collaborate with influencers. One way that has been proven to be beneficial is by sending out PR packages. These packages can include your product for them to promote, or you can ask them to talk about your services and how their audience can benefit from them. Promotions lile these perform particularly well on channels such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram where the popularity of video content continues to grow exponentially.

But why else can this benefit your business? Well, influencers are most likely pros at creating content, which is why they have so many followers in the first place! This is a bonus for you because they create engaging content and have already established trust with their audience, making it more likely that people will purchase your products or services. 

Press releases

Press releases are succinct articles that are distributed to media outlets to market your business. These are especially helpful when announcing certain milestones or events, and can boost your brand's awareness, whilst gaining trust from your target audience. Working directly with a media channel or well-known source often requires an edge in your press release or someone who has a strong relationship with the press. 


Running workshops, events, or webinars to promote your services or products is a great way to market your brand. Events are flexible which means you can invite specific guests and select the perfect venue tailored to your target audience which can maximise your reach. They provide an ideal platform for gathering feedback and serve as excellent networking opportunities.

On top of hosting your own events, you can also attend events such as expos, which can be very beneficial. Typically you can secure a pitch to showcase your products or services, offering valuable exposure and networking opportunities.

Email marketing

A mock-up of an email symbol with a newsletter coming out of the top.

Email marketing is a strategy of digital marketing that involves creating and sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers. There are many goals that can be reached through email marketing, which can include lead generation, the creation of sales or forming a relationship with your audience. It’s a highly cost-effective way to communicate a large amount of information directly to your target audience.

You can segment your subscribers to groups of relevant specific audiences, and send specific messages that you want to convey. There are many types of email marketing types, so we have listed a few below.

If you are interested in email marketing, JUMP can support you with building and reaching your audience through email. Get in touch with us today.

Nurture campaigns

A nurture campaign is a series of automated emails designed to guide potential leads through the various stages of the buyer journey and take them towards your business goal, i.e. buy your products or services.

They’re a great way to repeat information and unique messages, convincing the lead to act upon the emails, whilst addressing their pain points and building trust with them. This might involve you welcoming them to your brand, followed by a promotional code to entice them to buy, or even just providing them with educational content related to your brand that will ease them into buying.


This method of email marketing is usually for those who’ve voluntarily subscribed to your brand’s newsletter through a channel like your website, or when buying your products or services in the past. These are general emails that focus on your brand's latest news, products, offers and other relevant content. The purpose of newsletters is to remind your audience you still exist and keep them interested in your business.

Promotional campaigns

Promotional email campaigns are designed for specific products, services or offers to tell your subscribers about. Often they include special promotions or limited timed offers that help entice the audience to sign up to or buy more. These can be run regularly, seasonally or occasionally, but remember not to bombard your audience as this could lead them to unsubscribe!

A mock-up of Google search results about marketing

We can help you with your marketing

Using a range of these marketing tools can help maximise your reach and promote brand awareness. Repeating exposure through a range of marketing mediums will help people recognise your brand, even if they don’t purchase your products or services. Subconsciously, they will have seen your brand on several marketing platforms, generating curiosity and increasing the possibility of them purchasing in future.

JUMP are marketing experts with over 17 years in the agency field. If you’d like to find out more about how you can market your business, we are here to help! Get in touch now.

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